As of May 10, 2024, LPi has expanded our newsletter services to several new senior centers who were previously serviced by printer Senior News Publications. Thirty-five print accounts and their advertisers are now being serviced by LPi. Our team has worked diligently to ensure the process of onboarding the new accounts is seamless.
LPi has been serving senior centers and other nonprofits across the country for decades — designing and printing their newsletters and providing solutions for web and digital communications.
The senior centers will now have access to, a digital presence for their community where members can subscribe to receive digital copies of newsletters to their email inboxes. They will also be given access to WeCreate, a digital content library which houses newsletter, web, and social media content, providing endless possibilities for print and digital communications.
“LPi sees it as a privilege to continue serving these new partners and helping them communicate their mission to each community. Kelly Kennedy is our experienced Communication Consultant in the Northeast, and she stands ready to work with each senior center to ensure they have what they need to serve the senior population. We have over 50 years of experience at LPi, and we are ready to serve,” commented Tracy Welliver, LPi’s Senior Director of Product Sales.
We would like to extend a big
THANK YOU to everyone involved who made this acquisition possible!
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