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Inexpensive Ideas for Recognizing Volunteers

LPi • April 11, 2022

Volunteers play a key role in the success of nonprofit organizations, including community centers and senior centers. People who donate their time and talent, from assisting with outreach programs to helping with special events, allow organizations to grow and thrive. Chances are you really appreciate your volunteers so, here are a few inexpensive ideas for helping you recognize their contributions!

Creative Ways to Celebrate Your Volunteers

  • Say "Thank You" in your newsletter: Feature individuals or volunteer teams in your newsletter frequently and include a blurb about the great work they do! Remember, we provide free print and digital ad-supported newsletters for organizations like yours so if you don't have a newsletter yet, get into touch with us so we can get you started! Learn more here.
  • Thank-you box: Set out a stack of inexpensive cards and a box to put them in. Ask those who attend events or take advantage of your programs to write thank-you notes. You can ask for notes addressed to specific volunteers or general words of thanks to share.
  • Social media features: While you’ll likely want to ask permission first, set up a series of social media posts featuring your volunteers. Talk about the contribution each person makes to your organization and add photos.
  • Fun awards: Another fun way to say thanks is by hosting an “awards” ceremony. Make them fun awards instead of serious ones, though. For example, present a volunteer who can always be counted on with a bottle of glue and a certificate naming them “The Glue That Holds Us Together.” Or give “The Fire Extinguisher” award to a volunteer who stays calm amid chaos.
  • Movie night: You could also host a movie night for volunteers. Come up with a creative title such as “Thanks for Always Popping in to Help” and serve ‘pop’ and popcorn. Just make sure you have enough staff to serve the volunteers!
  • Advertisements: If your budget permits, take a group photo of your volunteer crew and place it in an ad in your local newspaper. If that’s too expensive, ask a vendor to sponsor the ad in exchange for placing their name/logo at the bottom.
  • Car wash: Who doesn’t love a clean car? Have your center’s staff wash volunteers’ cars. You can invite them to come between certain hours or ask them to prebook times throughout the week to keep your parking lot from getting too crazy.
  • Ice cream truck: Find a local ice cream truck that does parties and book them for an afternoon. Invite volunteers to select a treat of their choice, compliments of your organization. It’s an inexpensive but fun way to say thank you.
  • Yard signs: If you have a connection at a print shop, this is a great way to honor your volunteers. Have yard signs made for every volunteer’s home. They can be as simple or as elaborate as your budget permits. Online vendors like VistaPrint or might be an affordable option if you can’t find a local source.

Updated on 03-21-2024


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